Monday, December 14, 2009

God's Blessings and Answered Prayers

Last night, I ran over our family dog. I was rushing home from church to change clothes before the night service. As I pulled into the driveway, I felt a bump. A gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, sickening bump. I stopped the car, and then sat there for a split second, hoping desperately that what I thought I had done was not really true. Then I threw open the door, and became certain that my fears were being realised. I heard the anguished screams of a beloved family pet, and I echoed those screams with some of my own.

But this is not a story about pain and death. This is a story of God's blessings and answered prayers. Jack on the day we brought him home 3 or so years ago.

I could talk about the intense guilt I felt having to look my children in the eye and tell them I had run over the dog and that he was nowhere to be found. I could talk about the dreams I had all night long that consisted of the bump that made me instantly nauseous, or the screams that echoed through those dreams. I could mention that by the time I woke Monday morning, my eyes were so swollen from crying that I was having trouble seeing correctly. I could talk about all that sadness.......or I could talk about how God provided for me and for my family over the past two days.

Let's talk about that!

There is a song that says "Count Your Blessings, name them one by one." So here are mine for the last two days.

First, when I called Kevin hysterically crying, God sent Kevin home to help me look for Jack. But not only that, He sent two other men from the church, Matt Black and Jeff Wills, to help us look. I saw "us" but really they were helping Kevin. I was so overcome with grief that I was little help. I mostly just moved from one place to another sobbing.

Then, when Kevin, Matt, and Jeff had to get back to church, and I was left at the house alone, God knew I could not handle that solitude. So He sent my next door neighbor, Don, over with a flashlight to help me continue he search. He and I walked the woods, and my back yard, and my front yard for over an hour, calling and calling, searching and searching.

Once Kevin came home, having already told the girls, God once again showed me incredible grace. I was certain the girls would shun me, angry that I had hurt their friend. Instead, they showed me love over and over, in the smallest of ways. When I cried, Liv stroked my arm, even through her own grief, comforting me. When I apologized, both girls assured me it was not my fault and they were not mad. I told Liv that if she needed to be angry with me for a time, that I could understand, and she quickly and vehemently asserted that she was NOT angry with me, and that she loved me. (I was so worried that they would somehow be so hurt and angry with me, that this act would damage our relationship.) But if anything, it has strengthened it. Tiny expressions of love were everywhere. Lauryn-Elizabeth responded to me, when I told her I was so sorry for breaking her heart, "Mommy, you did not break my heart; you only hurt it for a little while."

Later on that evening, when I had cried and searched until I was utterly and completely used up and did not have the heart to continue the search, He sent another neighbor over to pick up the baton. Lee Earnest came over and searched for over an hour, until past 11pm. He searched quietly, while I was sound asleep. Though he did not find anything, it was amazing to see someone help us so willingly.

Jack Eliot attcking an elephant sculpture on a recent walk around the block.
The next day, Larry Holcombe, from around the block, came over and helped the girls and me search again for Jack. After about 30 minutes, Jack appeared to Liv who yelled for me to come to her. I ran through the woods, where Larry and I had been looking. I ran so fast that I was certain I would fall, but in my heart I was terrified at what I would find. But there was Jack, wagging his little tail, obviously dehydrated and visibly flatter than he should have been. I bent down to look him over, but found no blood. And that little broken dog, who should have been terribly angry with me, tried to lick me. He drug his dry tongue across my hand and tried to comfort me. Dehdrated as he was though, he was not very successful. But I cnanot tell you how it touched me that Jack, broken and in pain, knew that I, the cause of his pain, would need comfort.
So, we whisked him away, and drove as fast as the law would allow, to the vet. I called on the way, to inform them we were coming.
The end of the story is that Jack made a full recovery. Months later, (yes, I forgot to publish this back when it occured in December 2009), no one could tell that Jack Eliot had been so close to death. The vet even said he was amazed at how easily and fully Jack had recovered. Just goes to prove how much our God loves us. Enough to take care of our animals, which we love.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lost and Found

Tonight I sat down for choir. Now this is generally a fabulous time, as I just adore that hour. I get to sing, laugh, dance occasionally, chat with friends, and worship God. All in all it is a perfect time. But tonight, as I was laughing with my usual benchmate, Joy, I suddenly felt something was missing. I looked down, and there was. My ring, that I have had since 12th grade was not on my finger.

I should tell you, that I got this ring with one of my oldest and dearest friends, Rachel, at Oak Park in Montgomery at some craft fair. We had gone together, and as I remember, had a marvelous time, feeling grown up, yet unfettered by responsibilities and stresses. We found several things that day that I still have. A heart-shaped wooden jewelry box that was amazing beautiful. It was carved out of one piece of wood and was so well crafted. It still sits on my dresser.

And Rachel and I ran across a man who made rings. Looking back, they were not all that special, if I am completely honest. It was just a piece of wire bent around a bead. I picked a blue one, and I think Rachel chose tiger's eye (though I am not positive.) Anyway, at the time, we thought they were simple and pretty. I still wear mine almost every time I wear blue, which is fairly often.

So tonight, when I looked down, and saw it was not on my finger, I felt a bit of panic. Suddenly part of my past was missing. Choir was starting and Gary (who was filling in for David) was trying to get our attention, but all I could think about was where my ring could be. I frantically dropped to the floor and scrambled around, hoping to find that it had simply slipped from my finger and dropped to the floor near me. But it hadn't.

So I retraced my steps through the sanctuary, to the other pews I had sat in while catching up with friends before the start of choir. But it was not there either. It was at this point, that I found my eyes filling with tears, and a sense of panic rising. It occurred to me that maybe it had fallen in the fellowship hall while we ate supper, so I went out of the sanctuary, into the hallway.

And then it hit me. The bathroom. I had washed my hands just before choir started. I fairly sprinted (ok, ok, I really did just run) to the bathroom. It was not in the sink, so I turned my attention to the trashcan. Now I should stop here and say, that I am terribly OCD. And the thought of digging through a full garbage can really disgusted me. But a moment decided for me that the ring was worth it and so I dug in. Grabbing each soggy paper towel, I shook it open and tossed it to the floor, hoping my ring was buried in one.

I was somewhat embarrassed too, because someone else was in there too, and looked at me as if I had lost my mind when I started tossing paper towels to the floor. And then, as I was trying to explain what I was doing....I saw it.

My ring! It was lying on the floor in the corner of the bathroom! Almost invisible, really. So I grabbed it up and washed my hands again, and took off to get back to choir.

As I saw back in my pew, the thought hit me that it was God that turned my head to look at that spot behind the door. I almost feel like He was trying to tell me something. I am not quite sure what it was, but I thank Him for giving me back the ring.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

During Guitar Practice

While Boo was having her guitar lesson, Liv and I decided not to go home and to walk around downtown instead. It was a marvelous mommy/daughter time. We held hands, and shoved each other playfully, and looked at seeds and nuts, snapped pics beside the statue thing in front of the courthouse,

and played pretend hopscotch, and talked and talked and talked.

I am really, really am enjoying her growing up. She is growing closer and closer to me with every day. What a perfect and sweet gift God has given to me.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Scene: Early morning at the Dewberry house

I go into the girls' room to wake them. Apparently it was backwards day, because Liv bounced out of hte bed cheerfully, and Lauryn-Elizabeth, oddly, was grumpy.

Me: Good Morrrrrning!

Lauryn-Elizabeth: Not good morning. Just morning.

(It loses something in the writing. Wish you could hear her voice. It was precious.)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Voice of an Angel

(I should preface this by telling you that I am typing this with a cat laying across both my keyboard and my arms. She is also periodically reaching out to put her paw on my hand. I can only assume she is trying to convince me to stop typing so as to disturb her less. At any rate, it is too cute to make her leave, but it is tremendously difficult to type! Ha!)

Sunday night, the choir had a concert for the evening service. It was such a Godly time, praising and singing. I will never cease to feel blessed to be a part of a church that allows such a freedom in expressing your love and praise for our Lord. It is truly amazing.

But the very best part, to me, came after the service. Kevin, the girls, and I were walking out to the car, after having fellowshipped for a while. Daniel Bowman called us up to his car and told us the following story.

While Lauryn-Elizabeth was sitting in the balcony with her friend and her mom (since
Kevin and I were with the choir onstage), she was singing along with the choir. Now
Lauryn-Elizabeth enjoys singing, and generally does everything completely whole-
heartedly. (It is such a joy to watch her devote her whole heart and soul to whatever
project she has thrown herself into at that moment.) So I have no doubt that she was
singing with all the praise in her body. So, Daniel's father in law stopped watching the
choir, and focused on Lauryn-Elizabeth. He took his glasses off and began to weep a bit,
at her sweet, childish devotion. (Shouldn't we all have that child-like devotion?) Daniel said
that he was completely enamoured with her sweet voice.

Ok, so the doting mom in me, gets a bit misty when I hear of others seeing what I have always known. My Lauryn-Elizabeth has the best, most pure heart of anyone on earth! :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

First Day of School

Monday was a big day at the Dewberry house. Liv got to go to 5th grade at Mommy's school, and Lauryn-Elizabeth became the only Dewberry at Eden Elementary. She had been okay with the idea.....until Liv and I started out of the door to leave. (Kevin takes Lauryn-Elizabeth.) Then her lower lip quivered just a tad and her eyes got a little misty. I had to kiss her extra and hug her but she still was pretty sad that Sissy was leaving her.


It has been okay though, because this week she has gotten to be on Safety Patrol like Liv used to be.

I have loved having Liv alone every morning. She and I are having good conversations and it is going to be a great boost to our relationship, I think. I had noticed her pulling away just a tad, as she was getting older. So I am very thankful for this alone time with her daily.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Writing Notes during Church

On Sunday nights, the children in my church all go to service. There are no children's activities because our pastor feels the children should be learning how to participate in "Big Church". So on Sunday night, Lauryn-Elizabeth was sitting beside me. We always have an outline, and usually, the girls just use it to draw on during the service.
However, this Sunday, Boo decided she was going to pay close attention to Bro Jacky and take notes. I was so proud at how attentive she was. She even listened close enough that she was taking notes of her own about what Bro Jacky was saying.
She has decided she is going to pay close attention, because she is planning on using her recess time at school to witness to her friends.
What a precious little girl. I am so proud of her. She takes her faith so seriously, even as an 8 year old.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day Two of our Staycation

I know I should post a story of what we did this day, but I am just too tired to…. We went to the Birmingham Zoo. Here are the pictures.

The girls in front of the "rhino-saurus".

I just love the butterfly House. I took alot of pictures of the butterflies.

We love the train ride.

The lorakeets are so much fun. One pooped on Kevin's shirt which made me laugh.

Can you believe that a peacock let me walk right up to it?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day One of our Staycation

Since we were unable to go on our beach trip, I decided we would have a Staycation. So, Kevin kept his off days, and we headed into Birmingham. We stopped first at the McWane Center. We spent several hours there, and the girls really did not want to leave when we did, but I had gotten a tad restless, and so we decided to leave.

Liv watching the balls in the cool machine at the front of the McWane Center.

This wind tunnel felt like a tornado! The wind speed went up to 78 miles per hour!

Weather Girls!

Creative Love notes
This game was so neat. You had to try not to be "hit" by the ball, which was really a ball of light on the floor screen. Check out how high Liv could jump! (but she still usually got hit...ha!)

Testing pulleys

I just goofed off rather than testing them......

Boo on a bed of nails

Ok, I love this pic. Boo was working on keeping a ball in the air using puffs of air through the hose, but she got a little surprise puff at one point and the look on her face was priceless!

Took a while, but we were able to make the freestanding arch!

Look! I am gonna beat up Kevin!

Liv on the air cycle.
Lauryn-Elizabeth actually had the guts to take her hands off!

Next, we headed into Mountain Brook, for some ice cream.


Across from the Mountain Brook Creamery, is the sweetest paper store, Village Press. If you go in there, be sure to take your kids, because they will give your children all sorts of free paper. My girls were so excited to walk out of there, with silver, gold, cream, green, pink, black, white, and blue paper. Believe me, all those scraps will keep them very happy for weeks as they “create” in their playroom.
The girls displaying their paper!
Next, we headed to Aldridge Gardens. We really should have stayed longer, but it was 5 by the time we got there, and it was hot and I was hungry. But, we stayed about an hour, and took some sweet pics, and looked at the gorgeous scenery. We will have to go back….

Then, it was off to Joe’s Crab Shack for some food and fun. We enjoyed that place so much! Our waitress was Elaine and you should definitely ask for her if you go to the Shack on 280. It was my first time there, and so the random dancing was a lovely surprise. (And yes, the girls and I joined in!)

Dancing to the YMCA!

Dancing to the Cupid Shuffle. I, not that good at that particular dance.

The crab legs side of the table. Note the paper towel barrier. (I cannot stand watching them eat that!)
The non-crab legs side of the table.

Kevin eating his nasty shellfish! ha

After supper, it was almost 8, and I was getting tired, so we headed back home. More staycation to follow tomorrow.